Monday, October 01, 2012


I'm such a blogger slacker here.  I just with no abandon and don't really post what I'm doing.  Meh.

So, here's what I've been thinking lately.  Bored with your stash?  Not really inspired with what you've got?  Wanna swap? 

I used to use a lot to swap out my old books for new ones.  Why not have a yarn swap?  Granted, I was seriously trying to figure out how to rate the yarn for valuse upon posting, but possibly by dollar value?  $20 is 2 pts?  *shrugs*  It's a work in progress. 

I know local gropus do a swap.  I see the practicality of this.  You can feel the yarn, yadda yadda.  But for those a little more adventurious who are not schooled in ALL types of yarns and brands, etc, why not start a little internet swap?  Could be the next big hit in e-commerce!  Who knows?

So, if anyone still reads this, suggestions?  Thoughts?  I've done a basic search and haven't come up with an internet site like paperbackswap for yarn.  I could do a whole Swap like the gawk phenomenon that's going on.  Paperbackswap, yarn swap, kid swap, *snickers*  I know a few moms that would SERIOUSLY go for that last one...

*skips back to work*

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