Saturday, February 24, 2007

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!

Well, actually it was a flying pig, seal, and many other creatures that were either knit or crochet. We talked about naughty knits and knitted lingerie. It was a very interesting to find out about those books. I can't wait to get my hands on one and see what's in it!!

I was working on a sweater for my friend in the Bernat camouflage yarn. Her and her whole brood of boys hunt and I thought it would be a cute gift for her. I'm going to make the cargo pants for her, too! I know at least 7 people who are preggers right now, so I will be knitting my hands away.

I purchased this cool yarn while in Pennsylvania. It's Sofa yarn. I looks really cool! I called the store and ordered a different color to make a scarf for the lovely lady I'm staying with. She has a camel colored coat that this yarn would look AWESOME with. Here's the green color. The beige is soooooo pretty, too! I just got it in the mail today.

Christine was making this cool bag out of recycled plastic bags from the grocery store. You fold the bag and cut them into strips and then knot the strips together to make the "yarn." It's really cool looking. Here's a pic of the bag. That's me sticking my face through the hole. It's actually kind of a cool looking bag for the market and stuff.

So, I also went to the Socks and Lox at Wegman's on Sunday. It was a nice relaxing Sunday morning just running our mouths. I had some french bread and low fat Muenster cheese. YUM!! So there's one quote from Cindy that day. "Every time I measure it it's 11"!" She's making this GORGEOUS cowl. I can't wait to see it when its done.

Some other quotes from the Thursday night meeting:

"There's a book about Twinkle?" I know, it just struck me as a funny sentence. I immediately went to elementary school when I had to learn Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 7 different ways. Gotta love piano lessons.

"If nobody made it for us it's not that important." That's just a good way to look at life. We all meet to make hand made goods for our friends and families. It nobody made it for, then it's just stuff and has no meaning. I love it!

"We don't need no stinkin pattern!" Yes, we're doing a raglan top down patternless KAL. I'm scared sh*tless! I've never made anything without a pattern. I hope it works!!

"It's a voodoo seal!" Yes, we had little figures knit or crochet. The seal did leave something to be desired. It was cute, but, like we said, if we had seen a picture of it beforehand, we probably wouldn't have made it.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lots of Pictures Tonight!

Okay, so I missed our meeting last week. Some people know why...if you don't just ask. I'll tell ya! So, last week I intended to show off the possum merino yarn that Mom brought back from New Zealand. *giggle* My friend from there thinks I'm nuts for having a wool fetish. *giggle*

I had also planned on showing off my attempt at Kool-Aid dying! It was soo much fun!! And messy! The microwave is a little dyed itself. LOL The yellow was lemonade. I put it in a jar and followed the directions completely, but I guess the skein was too big and it came out slightly mottled. So, I thought, why couldn't you try multi-colored? So I did! The one on the right is Orange and Black Cherry. The black cherry never did turn clear after about 10 minutes of dying. I had Lemonade in there, too, but it didn't come out right so I stuck the whole skein in the Black Cherry and let it cool in there. Don't know what I'm going to do with the yellow one, but I'd like to make a pair of socks with the two skeins on the right. Yes, there's two there. Hope there's enough for socks!!

Okay, so I was on this scarf exchange. I suggested it on an MB that I'm on and someone took it and just ran with it! We had a GREAT time with it and plan on having a dish cloth swap in April sometime. I receive this GORGEOUS scarf in the mail, (thank you Laura) and have worn it almost every day since! It's SUPAH warm and just beautiful! The general consensus is that it's Malabrigio. I haven't heard from her as to whether it is or not. As soon as I find out, I'll update this post.

There are a couple of quotes from that night, but I didn't bring that bag with me. I will post them with next week's quotes. Here's a link to the pattern that was used for my scarf:

Okay, here's a picture of the scarf I made for my exchange person being as I had to send it off without getting a picture of it!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm a Slacker!

So, this post belongs with the group meeting from January 25. I'm a slacker, I know. BUT I have a good excuse...I work in an accounting office. That means 10 hours days and 5 hour Saturdays, which I WILL be looking forward to this weekend. Those that know are giggling to themselves right now.

So, here's a picture of the shrug that I wore to the VERY interesting Operation Smile benefit January 20, 2007. I spent most of the night staring at the wall listening to lots of famous Vietnamese people talking in Vietnamese. I have no clue what they were saying, but the food was decent. My co-worker and her date had the most fun I think. There's a picture floating around the office of him pulling a dollar out of her cleavage. It's very funny, but I didn't post it here. This is a PG rated blog!!

Things overheard while I was there that night:
"The Knitting Nijas!"

Poor Lynn was playing air hockey puck with her car in Maryland and was all battered and bruised from her seat belt and air bag. Someone suggested, "You could say it was a sexual asphyxiation accident."

"So if I knit that I would I look like that?"

"We should have head we can stick in there." This is the picture that prompted that last quote. It's a recycled sweater tote and the collar is a
pocket at the top of the bag.

Went to Mom's last weekend we took pictures of us in our matching turquoise sweaters. Doesn't she look like fun? She's just the most awesome Mom!!
I can't wait to see what everyone thinks of the possum merino that Mom brought me from NZ this week!!