Monday, October 01, 2012


I'm such a blogger slacker here.  I just with no abandon and don't really post what I'm doing.  Meh.

So, here's what I've been thinking lately.  Bored with your stash?  Not really inspired with what you've got?  Wanna swap? 

I used to use a lot to swap out my old books for new ones.  Why not have a yarn swap?  Granted, I was seriously trying to figure out how to rate the yarn for valuse upon posting, but possibly by dollar value?  $20 is 2 pts?  *shrugs*  It's a work in progress. 

I know local gropus do a swap.  I see the practicality of this.  You can feel the yarn, yadda yadda.  But for those a little more adventurious who are not schooled in ALL types of yarns and brands, etc, why not start a little internet swap?  Could be the next big hit in e-commerce!  Who knows?

So, if anyone still reads this, suggestions?  Thoughts?  I've done a basic search and haven't come up with an internet site like paperbackswap for yarn.  I could do a whole Swap like the gawk phenomenon that's going on.  Paperbackswap, yarn swap, kid swap, *snickers*  I know a few moms that would SERIOUSLY go for that last one...

*skips back to work*

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Yes...I'm a blogger slacker

Actually, that is to say I've been a knitting slacker.  I got sucked into this whole world of FB games.  I managed to climb myself out when I realized it was killing my neck!  *sigh*  Who knew?

So, I've started up again with some serious thoughts on de-stashing.  Well, that's not entire true.  I started up again when I was inspired to create a scarf (or two) this Christmas.  It really felt good to have something besides socks on my needles.  Why socks?  Well, because their easy to take on the train.  Now, I don't have to take the train so I can knit whatever I want on the way home from work.  It's too dark in the car to try to knit in the mornings atm (at the moment). 

So, I knit a Sporting Clube Portugal scarf for a friend of Portugal.  Go figure!  I had some yarn left over (yes I had to purchase yarn to make this and the other scarf), so made a ribbed hat too.  Yes, the hat is  Being as I haven't ventured MUCH into the colorwork world, the scarf did have a bit of bunching, which I'm sure you can see.  He won't care, but I'm not happy.  But not unhappy enough to frog the whole thing and start over!  *snort*

Next was just a plain burgandy scarf for S for Christmas.  It's a bit shorter than I think he wanted, but he didn't say he wanted it longer!  No pic of's boring.

If you follow me on Pinterest, you'll see that I have ambitious goals for de-stashing my yarn...of which there is plenty.  And, if memory serves, some on cones, too?  I think? 

Anyway, the first of the de-stash was the Caron Equinox Top in Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Haze Heather.  Actually, I have it on today.  Here's the thing, I'm not a HUGE fan of all the pearl stitches, so I'm wearing it inside out.  It makes for an interesting and lacy pearl part of the rib.  And, well, my YOs on one side of the pattern just don't look like the other side.  I must play with this type or lacey ribbing to see if I can get it to look right.

I also have a pair of Dragon Skin socks I'm knitting.  Started those when I was still metroing in to work.  They just sit there and I work on them when I'm uninspired between projects.  LOVE that pattern!!  Especially in multi-color yarn.  Just looks cool!!

Okay, on to bigger and better things!  Someone posted a Spock hat they had seen on Ravelry.  I thought...hell I could make that!  She wanted one, so I decided to see if I could actually CREATE something NOT from a pattern!  *faints*  I did...  Check it!

The hat is your basic ribbed beanie.  It was the ears that I had issue with.  I actually DID write the pattern down.  Imagine that?  Me?  Write a pattern?  *faints again*  I haven't typed it all up yet, but I did. 

So...what else can I create?  I thought about cabled rib, done.  Tri-color rib scarf?  Yeah...did that.  Should post those pics too.  Hm....what's not been done?  What hasn't been tried and patterned?  This requires deep thought, but whatever it is will be in purple mystery yarn I bought in B'more many years ago when the yarn/knitting expo thingy came.  It was all I could afford...and only 4 skeins to boot.  The last thought before I went to sleep...a cardigan where the buttons and holes are hidden in the cable?  There's a thought....