Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rip, Rip and Rip Again

So, I'm working on this lace sweater for a friend of mine who was supposed to be coming sometime this week. Apparently he's not. THANK GOODNESS as I am having a heck of a time with this pattern. I had to rip the back at least 4 times before I decided to utilize stitch markers to mark the pattern and keep me focused! I need one of Lynn's magentic boards so I can leave the repeat as the only thing I can see on the pattern and prevent any further confusion.

As you can see, I've come about halfway up the back in this picture. There's also a picture of the sweater I'm working on. It's Reid from It's CUTE AS CAN BE and I know she'll just LOVE it. I love the color, too. I can't wait until it's done, but at this rate that will be in like 2 months. I'm being such a slacker on my blogging that I can't remember much of what transpired that night. I don't think there were any memorable quotes, but if there were I can't seem to find them.

and BLOCKED the 30 stitch cable scarf. Here's a picture of it finished. I think it looks pretty cool! I might make another one in a darker color for a guy. Maybe a navy or something.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Dead Silence Fills the Air

Okay, it was just toooooooo creepy that there were NO CUSTOMERS Thursday night. We had the whole upper deck of Starbucks to ourselves. That was just weird. There was LOTS of knitting on our top down raglans. I was dilligently trying to finish the cammo baby sweater so I could get cracking on mine. The yarn is so pretty!! *giggle* This is a very interesting angle of me knitting on the baby sweater. I finally finished the durn thing this week. I forgot to bring it on Thursday so you can see how cute it is!! I will have to bring it next week.

I also started my top down raglan sweater. I've put it on hold because I'm trying to make a baby sweater for my friend who's supposed to be here sometime soon. It's a rather lacy pattern that I've had to frog three times already. I'm slowly working on it so I don't mess up the pattern. I think I will be able to finish it in time now because my friend has to have physical therapy for his back.

There was lots of sock knitting that night. Judy wanted to see someone's socks but she was eating Quiznos. Hence the quote, "Come here you Quizno's greasy handed girl!" Then there was talk about someone going to the middle. At this point, I can't remember who was talking about it. My brain is like a seive. Anyway, we were talking about there being more deaths from auto accidents than from acts of terrorism. Which lead to this quote, "When they blow up the busses, is that a traffice accident?"

This last one, I have no idea what we were talking about. I just thought it sounded REALLY funny. "I think I have the chicken on Russian Prime."

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Adventures of Knitting Girl!

Nina, Dione, myself and a few others were discussing the adventures of Knitting Girl! Mild mannered LYS owner by day and ruthless knitting vigilante by night! She knits garments and nets to capture crooks in her busy metropolis. We were trying to think of a name for her nemesis, Crochet something, because crochet is evil! *giggle* She knits nets and garments. We figured sweaters would be good because then they could just go to the homeless after the crook has been removed from the hand knit item.

We were also talking about our quirky cats, mostly, but other pets were mentioned I believe. *waving to Lynn and her cresteds* LOL Hence this quote from Dionne, "It's a saucy rat. It must be punished!" I'll just leave it up to your imagination what were were talking about. I'll give you a hint, it's a cat toy.

Nina is working on the perfect sock pattern for her foot. I think we should all alter patterns to fit is more perfectly and socks are an excellent item to play with to cater to your foot size and shape. She hand-dyed some yarn - a very pretty variegated green and other colors. However, only the cuff was knit in that yarn because, as she put it, "I didn't dye the white."

I finally finished my purse scarf. Now I just need to get some more yarn to start another one and keep it in my purse. I need to block it, though. It's a 30 stitch cable, crossing 15 stitches. It was much easier to do with a stitch marker than a cable needle. I guess if I had one of those U shaped cable needles, it might have been easier. Anyway, here's a pic of me wearing it and a somewhat close up of the cable part. I need to block it so you can see the cable crossed. It's very loose. I really like it and might make another one like it. Here's a pic of me holding it open as if it was blocked. I want to block it open enough so you can see the cable being turned, but want to try and keep some of the fluidity of the scarf. It looks really interesting NOT blocked, too. Hmmmm...what to do?

I'm still working on the cammoflouge baby sweater for my friend that hunts with her brood of boys. It's so cute! I will hopefully finish the hood tonight so I can bring it in for show and tell tomorrow. Then I'm going to make a pair of matching CARGO PANTS from They are SO CUTE! Then it's on to the top down raglan. I'm a little paranoid on this one. I haven't knit without a pattern so it should be interesting to see if I can pull it off. I need to go back and re-read Svetlana's directions.