Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm a blogger slacker!!

Yes yes, I know. I haven't been to SLK Knitters in toooooo long! I'm still working on the AFGHAN OF DOOM, though not as often as I should. Something about laying in the floor watching movies with my boyfriend that seems OH SO more appealing.

Okay, I can SQUEAK by and pay bills and rent, but I cannot afford extra expenses, hence not going to SLK. That and the honeymoon phase of him moving in hasn't left yet, so I just don't know if I want to drive an hour there, knit for an hour, then drive an hour back. Yeah, I'm a whiner because I know Lynn drives MUCH FARTHER than me to join y'all. Just burns up too much gas for me.

BUT, I am still with the SLK knitters in spirit every Thursday as I sit down to knit on the afghan. I will have to set it aside though because I need to get the socks done for my exchange in September. I'm looking forward to making them, but I'm not happy about having another project on needles... *SIGH*