Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Trend Has Started!

So the shrug was ALMOST done for me to wear tonight. I have like 30 more rows before I can REALLY cast off, but I tightly cast it off and used a pin to keep it on my shoulder. It needs to shrink a little so I might toss it in the washer and dryer when I'm done. It's always a toss up if the sleeves will fit my batwings or not. I will finish it before Thursday and get on with the scarf exchange scarf I'm working on. As we're chatting away the night, everyone is listening to the good quotes to post on the blog. I, luckily, had a book and Judy had a pen so here are some of the goodies that spewed forth on Thursday night:

"Sometimes you gotta have hot pink toes." Ain't that the truth! The pattern calls for X amount of yarn and for some reason or another you just don't have enough. For those that buy hand dyed yarsn...well they're screwed! You can TRY and match the same dye lot or just go for the hot pink toes!!

"You say that like making your child look like an artichoke as a bad thing." That one's just a visual quote. Imagine it...all green and spikey.

"If I sat papason style, I could fit all of my inside and there's a LOT of me" Okay, imagine the HUGEST sweater known to man!! Well, not THAT huge, but I think a few of us could have fit into it at the same time. It looked so puffy warm too!!

"You're good at math." "No I'm not." "You know how to count." Okay, that one needs no explanation.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Knitted Thongs and Other Topics Discussed Last Night

I'm not exactly sure how we got on the topic, but it was a rather hilarious one. Apparently, there was a knitted thong on display at a LYS. The discussion turned from innocently discussing it's whereabouts and why it was taken off the shelf to someone trying it on to see if it fits. "Honey, I think you need to add a few more short rows." Because short rows are necessary to make it larger...I'll let your imagination wander on why one would need short rows.

Then there was a mention of the thong being felted and why in the world would you want to felt it? It should be an open weave!! *giggle* To allow things to breath!! That only seems logical to me. Well, from there it all went downhill!! I don't think I've laughed so hard in a looooooong time! Tears were streaming down my face. I'd like to find that pattern, though. *giggle* I bet I'm on someone else's blog about things they overheard US say Thursday night!!

So, the person that never has more than one UFO going at once, now has three. I started a sweater for DH. Then needed circulars to finish the sleeves so I started my scarf exchange scarf. Well, then the Knit Picks Shine came in for my shrug that I need next weekend so I started it. I have to finish the shrug first! I need it for my shoulders on the blue velvet dress for the Operation Smile Benefit we're going to. This is one of the two sleeves I finished. I started casting on the back, but started
to doze whilst counting and that NEVER works.

So upon looking at the pictures from Thursday night, this picture just made me LOL. My father used to do things like that when he saw a group taking a picture. They never noticed him at the time, but I'm sure it made for some funny pictures when they developed them.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Things Overheard at Starbucks

I think I'm going to write a book called, "Things Overheard at Starbucks and Other Knitting Tales."

Jan 4, 2007 - "Like, I don't like using my brain."
Jan 7, 2007 - "Just tell Brian I'm gay."
Jan 7, 2007 - - "No, I didn't do Felicity." <-- talking about the TV show, mind you!!

I may have to compile a spreadsheet and somehow post it for peeps to see so they, too, can enjoy my eavesdropping in conversations at Starbucks. It's amazing what people will talk about in public and I'm VERY good at listening. *giggle*

My Thursday night knitting group is a hoot! I always have a GREAT time and no matter what mood I'm in, I'm always in a better one when I leave. I just could not imagine knitting without them!! As you can see, I'm laughing in the picture. I don't remember why. I was probably laughing at Judy taking the picture.

Now, my online knitting group is the most giving peeps I know and I am totally honored to be part of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Shawl. I've knitted on two so far, one of them going to a member in the group for her difficulty. We're getting ready to start two more. How MANY shawls can be traveling at one time? Who knows! I'm sure we'll try to set a record. Now if we could only get on Oprah... *giggle*

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! I went to Mike's in Springfield for an early dinner after returning home from DM (dear mothers) house. I told her I'd drive up and check on the house while they're in the land Down Undah! It's still in one piece. *giggle* She left some money to go out with for doing that so I splurged on Mike's. I LOVE their crabcake and filet mignon combo even though I hardly ate any of the filet.

Came home and watched the TV, put in a couple of movies and watched the last hour of Carson. Popped a bottle of mead and toasted the New Year! Yipee!

Now on to more important issues. Seriously! Just because it says no dye lot doesn't mean you can change the thickness of the yarn!! The new SUPAH HUGE skein I purchased to finish DH's sweater has a TOTALLY different guage than the one I bought previously. What is that about? Just to drive me insane?? Well, it's working!! I'm going with it anyway. He's not gonna notice. I'm the only one...well and fellow knitters would notice the difference and I'm sure they're not going to be pawing at my DH!