Monday, August 27, 2007

Queen of Cups Socks Part 2!

Here's a pic of the new BF and me from June when we moved his stuff from Cleveland. That was our last trip to C-Land! YEAH!

THEY'RE DONE! I need to take a picture of them. They're fuzzier than the picture on, but they're ALPACA FFS! They SHOULD be! I had such a great time making them, that I decided to start a pair using my Kool-Aid dyed yarn. I needed a project for the bus. I have to take the bus. Long story, but it involves my SOON TO BE EX (effing) HUSBAND! He's such a D.A!!

Anyway, I'm still working on the AFGHAN OF DOOM! I'm FINALLY past all the many different colors and just have the black and grey for right now so I should be able to FLY through that part. It SHOULD be done in time for his birthday. At least that's what I'm shooting for. Then I'll finish the top down raglan. I don't know if I'll wear it. I think I've grown out of the yarn. It would have made a cool, funky, scarf, though. I'll finish it anyway. Someone could use it. Along those same lines, I'm going to finish the SWEATER OF DIVORCE! *snicker* I figure I can give it to my BIL (brother-in-law) for Christmas or sumfin. I'll just have to see how it goes and if it's big enough. If not, I might just donate it. Someone could use it, too.

After that, I'm going to start some socks for my new BF, whom I LOVE very much and seriously think I could even knit a sweater for him and it would be fine. But, I'll wait a few years on that one. *snort* I need to knit SEVERAL baby things, too. Almost all my friends are preggers. Those are fun though...and SO CUTE!

I will take a pic of the socks BEFORE I mail them out, along with the blanket and the top down raglan, maybe even MY queen of cups socks, too.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Queen of Cups Socks

So, I'm making these for our sock exchange on the WW KnitWits board. Of course, I haven't posted there in EONS! I can barely keep up with the two threads I post on now as it is. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to post on three. Forgot about that third one!

I set aside the afghan of doom to start on these socks. I was gonna make them outta this blue wool sock yarn I bought, but I really didn't thin the color suited the pattern, so I decided to pull the alpaca outta the car from my de-stashing bin and double up on that to make these socks. Well, they don't QUITE look like the picture because it's double stranded yarn, but they look cool non the less!! I'm having a blast making them.

Well, I had to rip the heel. The pattern doesn't say how many stitches to pick up for the gusset, but I think I picked up too many. So, I ripped it out and started that part over. My hands get soooooo tired working with those little needles. I wish I knew how to do them on one circular. I should Google

I knitted about 15 min on them this morning, too. It's getting easier to knit them on the DPNs, so I'm making more progress on them. BF just laughs at me and says, "Knit, baby, Knit!" He's so funny. I need to restart his dish cloth to just all knit for right now. The knit then pearl thing gets him confused right now. I miss our knitting nights. Guess I should start them back up again. At least we're there in spirit!! Maybe?? okay
I'm going to take a picture of me first, because I look HAWT today and then my sock in progress ON FOOT as usual. *giggle*