Thursday, April 24, 2008


I think I may run out of yarn for the sweater. I may have to make it a short sleeve sweater instead. *snort* It's not easy for me to reduce stitches in the pattern. SO I put the pattern in a sheet protector and took and dry erase marker and cross out the stitch as a decrease. That way I can tell where I am in the pattern and won't get confused as to which stitch I'm supposed to decrease next.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Keyhole Top

Yes, I made it in a lavender color. I didn't leave it open at the back, though. It looks okay. I need to get buttons and finish it, though...

Next Project...a sweater for me.

It's the Dickinson Pullover from IK Fall 07

Well, the back's not perfect, but I don't really care. It's the back. I'm not going to rip it out and fix it. I can live with it...The front on the other hand...which I haven't started yet, will be. So far, it's not been that hard to work on. The cables were a bit confusing at the beginning. I don't think I've crossed uneve cables before. You do a 3x1 and 3x2 cables during the pattern. I wasn't reading it right at first, but I figured it out later on and fixed the error of my ways. It's in a deep purple. The only color yarn I had for that project. I'm not ABOUT to purchase more yarn until I've dwindled my stash a bit.

I just hope after this that CTM will let me make him one...and I still need to finish that one for FH that I started before I left him. *snort*