Saturday, December 30, 2006

Paton SWS

So, I’m on this scarf exchange on a message board and my secret Santa person likes pink. Well, a couple of weeks ago, Linda (one of the ladies at my knitting group) gave me a skein of this BEAUTIFUL pink, cream, and green colored SWS. It is DIVINE! So, I thought that would be perfect when I read that my Santa likes pink. I thought I’d try this modular cube thing where you start with an 8x8 square then cast on 8 on either end and then cast on another 8 at either end then cast off 8 at either end. Etc etc etc. It looks SUPAH cool!

I finish the first square of 8 and start to cast on another 8 and the stupid yarn just falls apart in my hands. WHAT THE? ARGH! So I figure, “Well it’s technically at the beginning of the row and I can just act like I’m starting a new skein.” Which I did. I’m going along well and cast on another eight and cast off eight, then I go to cast on another 8. Same thing happens! *SIGH* I worked a good 8 inches on the stupid thing when I decide that I didn’t like the way it looked. That technique would look good on a more modern type of yarn, but not this BEAUTIFUL SWS. So I frogged it and started a drop stitch pattern instead. It looks gorgeous and I can’t wait for my secret Santa to get it!


Anonymous said...

Yay, Chris! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!! The site looks great and I'm sure Amber won't mind your borrowing her photos.

Unknown said...

Welcome to blogland! Can't wait to see the scarf. I can't believe you already have all these posts! You've been busy.

Nina Casey said...

Can't wait to read more!